I should say first off that the term "SJW," much like say "hipster," has been used and abused so much that it's lost all meaning. And even when it's used correctly the term is a bit reductive. I generally don't think of myself as an SJW, but I like to spend my time arguing and discussing social justice stuff on the internet way more than I do actual real activism, so I guess the label sorta fits.
The real reason I'm starting this thread, however, is because so much of the disagreement that I see on the internet in regards to social justice stuff seems to come from a place of misunderstanding more than anything. It makes it really hard to have a discussion, because one side will be arguing against your assumed position, not what you actually believe. A lot of this is due to social justice advocates failing to explain the ideas they're talking about. Now, I think I've got a pretty good handle on this stuff, and I'm pretty good at explaining it.
I know a lot of you are pretty baffled by SJW stuff, so here's your chance to understand it. Ask me about it, and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability. This won't be about who's right and who's wrong, just understanding what the other side is actually saying.
So, ask me about SJW stuff!
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Medical Animation
I should say first off that the term "SJW," much like say "hipster," has been used and abused so much that it's lost all meaning. And even when it's used correctly the term is a bit reductive. I generally don't think of myself as an SJW, but I like to spend my time arguing and discussing social justice stuff on the internet way more than I do actual real activism, so I guess the label sorta fits.
The real reason I'm starting this thread, however, is because so much of the disagreement that I see on the internet in regards to social justice stuff seems to come from a place of misunderstanding more than anything. It makes it really hard to have a discussion, because one side will be arguing against your assumed position, not what you actually believe. A lot of this is due to social justice advocates failing to explain the ideas they're talking about. Now, I think I've got a pretty good handle on this stuff, and I'm pretty good at explaining it.
I know a lot of you are pretty baffled by SJW stuff, so here's your chance to understand it. Ask me about it, and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability. This won't be about who's right and who's wrong, just understanding what the other side is actually saying.
So, ask me about SJW stuff!
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Medical Animation